4 Ways to Set Yourself Up For Postpartum Mental Wellness

doula labor and birth postpartum Feb 09, 2022

Postpartum mood disorders do not discriminate. They can affect both moms and dads, and they can happen at any time. They are temporary, common, and treatable. It's OK to ask for help! A professional can help you recognize what is "normal" and what could be a sign of a postpartum mood disorder and create a support plan!

Here are 4 ways you can set yourself up for postpartum mental wellness:

  1. Plan your postpartum! Plan to have extra support for day to day tasks so you can focus on your baby and recovery! Moms spend so much time planning for their labor and birth of their baby, but what about postpartum? You see the childbirth courses, but what happens once baby is here? Do you really know what to expect?

    Planning for postpartum while you're pregnant will make for a smoother transition into motherhood.

  2. Set realistic expectations of yourself and of your newborn. You are both learning! It's okay to acknowledge that you can't do it all, all the time. Give yourself lots of grace. 

  3. Make a list of resources and professionals who can support you should you need extra support or are unsure of anything along the way! Working with a Postpartum Doula is a great way to manage your emotions in postpartum, and of course helps you stay connected to resources. 

  4. Know that you are not alone! It's ok to ask for help! It's important to remember that your ability as a parent is NOT related to whether or not you struggle with your emotions and mood in postpartum. A doula can help you navigate this. 


It's important to note that exhaustion and 'Baby Blues' improve with time and as you get more sleep. As a rule of thumb, any postpartum mood disorder (PPMD) symptoms lasting longer than 2 weeks should be mentioned to you trusted healthcare professional. 

If you're asking yourself: "What Should I Do?"

If you are experiencing mood swings, irritability, sadness, are having trouble making decisions, changes in your appetite, "weepiness", are feeling like you can’t cope, extreme fatigue, or an inability to sleep that doesn't improve after 2 weeks, please reach out to someone you trust for help as these can be symptoms of a PPMD and require attention and care! 

You are not alone and you are not to blame. Help is available. You will get better.
Postpartum Support International HelpLine: 1.800.944.4773
Text in English: 800-944-4773

*The PSI HelpLine does not handle emergencies. People in crisis should call their local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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