Breastfeeding SOS: 6 Signs You Need a Lactation Consultant

breastfeeding postpartum Jul 15, 2023

Breastfeeding can be overwhelming and often leave you up late at night (when you should be sleeping) searching Google for answers. If there’s anything I’ve learned since becoming a mother, Google is not usually helpful. If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms below, it’s time to reach out to an expert (aka a lactation consultant!). 

Pain with latch

Breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful! One of the first signs it’s time to reach out to a lactation consultant is if you experience pain when baby latches that last longer than 30 seconds. When starting your breastfeeding journey, you may experience a little discomfort at first as your nipples become accustomed to nursing. However, if you are experiencing pain lasting longer than 30 seconds, it’s time to reach out. Ensuring baby has a good latch is so important to your breastfeeding journey because that’s how baby is going to be successful and get the milk she/he needs. It’s also going to avoid any complications for you. 


How does your nipple feel when in baby’s mouth? Do you feel like your nipple is being pinched? When baby isn’t latched properly, it can feel like a pinch each time your baby sucks. An improper latch can make your breastfeeding journey stressful and unpleasant, which is why it’s so important to contact a lactation consultant. We’re knowledgeable and are able to help you work through latching issues for you and your baby to have a positive breastfeeding journey. 

Pain Between Feedings

Are you experiencing pain between feedings? If so, it’s time to contact a lactation consultant! Pain between feedings is another sign of an incorrect latch which is causing breastmilk to get blocked in your ducts. A clogged duct is going to feel like a painful, hard lump in your breast. If this goes untreated it can lead to an infection, known as mastitis. 

Nipple Sensitivity

As I said, nipple sensitivity is normal at first due to the nature of breastfeeding. Your nipples should get accustomed to breastfeeding and you should’t have nipple pain past the first few weeks. If you do, contact a lactation consultant! We really want to ensure that baby has a correct latch. If there’s any type of pain or discomfort with breastfeeding, it’s time to ask for help. 

Nipple Troubles 

If you’re having cracked or bleeding nipples past the first few weeks, that’s another sign of an improper latch. Your baby isn’t getting your nipple and areola in far enough which causes your nipples to become irritated. If the shape of your nipple looks like the shape of lipstick after a session too, that shows baby isn’t properly latched also. 

If you experience ANY of the red flags, it’s a sign that a change is needed and you need to reach out to a lactation consultant. This may be your first time breastfeeding or maybe you’ve done this before, but each baby is unique! It’s okay to reach out and ask for help, rather than putting yourself through undue stress and pain. Our #1 goal is to help you overcome any obstacles and create a positive breastfeeding experience for you. I’m always available to chat and answer questions you may have!

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