Be Vulnerable and Punch Fear in the Face
May 06, 2021Vulnerability. We don’t talk about it enough. We think being vulnerable makes us weak.
What we don’t realize is that when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we can open ourselves up to some of the greatest learning opportunities.
But it’s scary to open yourself up for failure. It’s scary to take chances that might leave you falling flat on your face.
Well, ladies + gents…it’s time to fall. Over + over + over again. Playing it safe + not taking chances is actually quite detrimental to your growth—whether it’s personal or professional growth. You have to teach yourself that it’s okay to fail. That it’s okay to not be perfect.
Time to realize that you are worthy of happiness, success, and a life that you enjoy.
Here are 3 things you can do to push past your insecurities + allow yourself to be vulnerable and open up opportunities you didn’t even know existed. ✌🏼
1. Stop being a sucker.
That’s right. I said it. Nobody likes a fun sucker. Stop killing your friends’ vibes when they’re on a roll + feeling themselves. What good are you doing by knocking them down? Ya’ll know I’m all about being real + calling it how I see it. We have ALL been a sucker at one point in our lives. Nyself included. Not proud of it. If you feel the need to poke fun at a friend for positive life choices they’re making, then you’re being a sucker. Stop it. The only reason you feel the need to downplay or discourage someone who is doing something positive is because you are insecure + refuse to let yourself feel vulnerable. well, that all changes now.
2. Gut check.
You have to get into the habit of checking in with yourself. Often. We all have the intuition to know when we’re being real with ourselves or not. When we’re being honest with ourselves or when we’re lying to ourselves because we’re afraid of what others might think. Stop caring about what other people think. Do what makes you happy. Check in with yourself often + trust your gut.
Okay, so you want to do something, but you’re not sure how it will turn out. You’re afraid to ask because you think the answer will be ‘no’…..aaaand that is stopping you??? Why exactly? What happens when someone tells you ‘no’? Oh, right…nothing. You put on your big kid pants and move on. Guys. you have to PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE. Take chances. Quit the job you hate. Stop saying ‘yes’ to things you don’t want to do. Leave the toxic relationship you’re in. And start taking chances. Jump in with both feet + figure the rest out later.
Life is too damn short to be anything but happy. Take chances. Make changes. Do scary shit. Be vulnerable + see so many doors open for you.
xo, Kiera
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