Self Care + Success: Leaping vs. Flying

mindset Apr 22, 2021

When is the last time you spent time on YOU with zero interruptions or judgement? So many of us go through our days in routine. We just go through the motions without giving them a second thought. Stopping and taking a second to breathe and focus on you is not selfish. It’s vital to your success and happiness.

Let’s think about this…

If you’re trying to accomplish something–-something big-–a lot of us will put allllll of our effort and energy into it all at once.

But what happens when we have no energy left?

We feel burned out.


Because we aren’t pausing along the well to take care of ourselves.

The path to success can be compared to leaping and flying.

Leaping takes a lot of effort to do. Leaping is like jumping. A lot of energy is exerted all at once. A lot of energy to get you up off the ground, but then you come crashing back down. If you do this over and over again, you will get exhausted and burned out.

But when you fly, friends…you can truly reach the sky. When you fly you have to surrender and trust that the "plane" to get you to your destination is going to work. Same thing goes for your business. 

Not seeing the connection yet? Hear me out. You do the hard work to get on your “plane”. You put in time, and money, and energy, but from there you simply strap in for the ride and surrender to your surroundings. Flying is effortless.

We have to learn to fly, not leap. Take care of yourself along the way, and success will be effortless.

My self-care usually looks like EDM or 90's rap blaring in my headphone, or listening to a guided meditation and slathering my body in Valor oil. 

Self-care is vital to your success in life. Self-care is not selfish. Let’s fly, friends. ✌🏼


xo, Kiera

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