The Miracle of Mindset

mindset Apr 22, 2021

“I’ve been getting high a LOT lately …

Seriously, on a daily basis, I am intentionally flooding my brain with dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters that make me feel amazing, help me focus, and juice up my creativity and productivity. What is my stimulant of choice? It’s my Miracle Morning.”– Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod

How many times have you tried to set a new routine? Whether it was a new diet, a new gym schedule, or many times have you started and stopped only to start and stop again?

It’s hard, right? Trying to break old habits and old routines is hard. I get it. And I’m sure you want to hear that it’s not your fault, but…sorry friend. It is your fault. BUT! Only because chances are, your mindset is not where it needs to be.

Don’t get me wrong, I am the QUEEN of procrastination, starting a task, quitting, giving up, getting frustrated, starting again. Rinse and repeat. I am in no way an expert in routines.

But I’m ready to rewrite my story, and you can too. It’s all about mindset. Easier said than done? Hell yeah it is. Sorry. Did you think it would be as easy as reading a blog post and everything would just fall into place? Yeah, no. Not gonna happen. Sorry, boo.

Mindset is the way you view life. The way you interrupt your own thoughts (that inner voice that nags you and cheers you on). Your assumptions. Your approach to new things. Your view of the world, basically.

“A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.”

We all develop our mindset as we grow through life. Experience after experience shapes and forms our opinions and viewpoints.

Mindset can be positive or negative, depending on the attitude you adopt towards different situations–i.e. growth mindset vs. poverty mindset.

Taking my situation for example–growing up in a trailer park as a lower middle class family. I have the option of feeling sorry for myself and feeling stuck in that situation for life, OR I can choose to have the mindset to do what I can to grow and learn from it.


Poverty Mindset: pessimistic and settling for what you have, self-pity, jealousy “I’m so bad with money”, “I’m never good enough”.

Growth Mindset: optimistic and determined to make the best of their life. Always challenging themselves. “I can learn from my mistakes”, “What can I do differently?”


Do you see the difference? Your mindset matters. Here are some things you can do every single day to help you develop a more positive mindset and change your life:

  • Journal every day about 10 things you’re grateful for that day
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Create a morning mindset routine–i.e. wake up an hour early every day to workout or meditate
  • At the end of the day, write down 5 things you accomplished that day

Mindset can be a miraculous thing. When you set your mind to it, anything is possible, friends. Believe that.


xo, Kiera

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