Tricks To Maximize Your Pumping Output

breastfeeding mom life postpartum Jun 15, 2023

If you’re a breastfeeding mama and you’ve chosen to pump; this is for you! Pumping can be tiresome and time consuming. When we sit down to pump we want to be the most efficient and get the most milk that we can! You’re probably wondering… how can I ensure that I am? Here’s a few tips to help!

 Warm compress

About 10 mins before you sit down to pump, apply a warm compress to your breasts. This is great for opening up your milk ducts and getting the milk flowing. You can simply apply a warm washcloth or Lansinoh has these great gel pads ( ) that you can purchase! These are nice to have on hand for relief for different breastfeeding challenges as well because you’re able to heat them up and freeze them!


Vibration is another great way to get the milk flowing and speed up the letdown process. Lactation massagers are available to purchase, but what you have on hand can work great too! Try an electric toothbrush or an electric hand massager. Something that is going to provide a gentle vibration on your breasts; nothing painful or aggressive!

Know your pump settings–More suction doesn’t = more milk

The goal with pumping is not to have it on the highest setting and cause yourself pain. Most pumps have two different modes; letdown/massage (to get milk flowing) and expression (once milk is flowing).  The cycle speed is how frequently the pump pulls and the vacuum strength is how strong the pump pulls. Play with the different pump settings to see what feels good for you and produces the most milk.

Proper flange sizing

This is a big one! Proper flange sizing can make a world of difference when it comes to pumping! It’s important for the small plastic shield to have correct contact with the nipple and breast tissue in order to create proper suction and help with milk supply. If you need help with sizing, here's a free resource to use to help determine your flange size. It’s important to remember too that your flange size may change throughout postpartum too! If you notice a dip in your milk supply, it might be a good time to resize. 

Replace pump parts often

Your breast pump parts are going to experience normal wear and tear. They need to be replaced often because this can affect your pump’s section and cause a decrease in your milk supply. Be sure to check out the specifications for your specific pump and how often you pump to know when to replace.

When it comes to pumping, we want to ensure that we are setting ourselves up for success when we sit down to do so. Remember it’s great to add in a warm compress or vibration before you start and make sure you’re using the pump properly and following guidelines! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or need any help. 

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