Don't Cry Over (Expired) Milk: 5 Surprising Ways to Use It

breastfeeding postpartum Apr 15, 2023

Don’t freak out because the milk’s gone bad! The amazing thing about breastmilk is that it still has SO MANY benefits even after it’s expired! There’s so much more that your milk can do for your baby, beyond feeding! 

First things first, how do you know if the milk has expired? Check out the guide below!

 Milk Bath

When giving your baby a bath, add the water and just enough breastmilk so the water is cloudy. This is so good for the baby's skin and allows their body to absorb any nutrients and keep their sweet, soft baby skin. It can help combat any skin irritants or dry skin as well! If your baby has cradle cap, simply massage some into their hair and use a soft-bristled brush to help combat!

 Diaper Rash

Apply breastmilk to your baby’s bottom and allow it to dry before putting the diaper on. Studies have shown that it’s just as effective as any other cream.

 Breastmilk Lotion

Breastmilk lotion is a great option too! It’s so simple to make and allows you to store and use it for a longer period of time. Here’s a great recipe to use! 

Breast Milk Lotion Recipe


  • Beeswax, 1 tablespoon
  • Grapeseed oil, about 3 – 3 ½ ounces
  • Vitamin E oil, a few drops
  • Breast milk, about 3 – 3 ½ ounces
  • Scented essential oil, a few drops (if desired!) I recommend using Young Living essential oils to ensure the best quality.


  • Place your grapeseed oil and beeswax in a microwave-safe bowl.
  • Heat grapeseed oil and beeswax together in your microwave on low, until the beeswax has just melted.
  • Add your vitamin E oil.
  • Slowly pour your breast milk into the oil and beeswax mixture, while quickly whisking everything together.
  • Let stand to cool – your mixture will also continue to thicken as it cools.
  •  Store in a cool, dry place.

***recipe from Medela***

Make sure that you test the lotion on a small spot on baby before lathering him/her up. Once you know that your little one can safely tolerate your lotion, use freely! 

 Skin Irritants (Baby and You!)

If you’re nursing and are having sore, dry nipples, massage the area with breastmilk! It has soothing properties and will help to naturally clear it up. Any skin irritants, baby eczema, baby acne, dry skin, bug bites… apply breastmilk! The benefits are the same for you and your baby.

 Freeze into Syringes for Future Use

Fill 1 cc syringes (add link to Amazon) with breast milk, and freeze in a date-labeled ziploc bag for future first aid use! These can be used for anything I’ve listed above, but allows you to freeze for easy access and use at a later date! 

 Breastmilk Jewelry 

Just one more! Breastfeeding is such a special journey between you and your baby and some mamas choose to have something special made with their breastmilk. There are a lot of great options from glass keepsake bears, jewelry and more!

No more throwing out expired milk! Remember these ways to utilize your milk the next time it goes bad. Breastmilk is full of nutrients and good things that are beneficial in more ways than one!

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