You want an unmedicated birth, but the “what ifs” keep whispering in your ear, don’t they?

You want to trust your body, but the doubts are creeping in.

What if you’re not as strong as you hope to be?

What if, when the contractions hit, the pain feels overwhelming, and you start to question everything?

What if things spiral out of your control, and you're faced with decisions you never planned for?

You’ve heard all the stories. Everyone loves to remind you how exhausting, painful, and overwhelming birth can be.

They talk about interventions, hours that turn into days, and how it’s all about “healthy mom, healthy baby” in the end. And of course, that’s true… but isn’t there more to birth than just getting through it!?

You want something different for your birth. 

You know you’re strong, but with everyone’s voices in your ear, it’s easy to doubt if you can do it.

That’s where I step in. As a doula who specializes in unmedicated birth, I’m here to guide you, cut through the noise, and keep you grounded. With me in your corner, you’ll have the birth experience that’s unapologetically yours.

Let's chat about how I can support you

What other mamas have to say...

I’m all about making sure every mom gets the birth she actually wants, on her terms, without the fear.

Since 2021, I've been right there with moms just like you, making sure they get the real, no-BS birth experience they’ve dreamed of.

Here's what you get when you work with me:

⭐ Prenatal Visits: We’ll dive deep into your birth preferences, practice pain-coping techniques, and make sure you feel fully prepared for your unmedicated birth. These visits are all about setting you up with a solid plan and the confidence to see it through.

⭐ Text and Phone Support: Got questions or just need a pep talk? I’m always just a message away. You’ll have direct access to me throughout your pregnancy for whatever you need.

⭐ On-Call Support Starting at 38 Weeks: When you’re getting close, I’m officially on standby, ready to head out whenever labor kicks off—day or night.

⭐ Continuous Birth Support: From the moment you need me until your baby is in your arms, I’m by your side. I'll guide you through contractions, offer pain-coping techniques, suggest labor positions, and provide the hands-on support you need.

⭐ Immediate Postpartum Support: I’ll stick around for a couple of hours after birth to help with breastfeeding, answer questions, and make sure you’re settled and comfortable.

⭐ Postpartum Visit: We’ll reconnect once more to check in on your recovery, chat about your birth experience, and provide any additional support you need as you adjust.

⭐ 24/7 Access to an Online Resource Library: You’ll get exclusive access to a portal packed with birth, breastfeeding, and postpartum resources. Think of it as your one-stop shop for all things pregnancy and beyond.

The investment for my doula services is $2,000

payment plans available


Have questions? Let's chat.

I know what you're thinking...

Let's chat about your birth plan.

I don’t just show up—I’m all in. I’m not here to sugarcoat or push you into someone else’s idea of birth. I’m relentless about helping you feel in control, informed, and ready for whatever comes your way.

I bring real, unapologetic support, a no-BS approach, and the experience to back it up.

When you work with me, you’re not just hiring a doula—you’re getting someone who’s genuinely invested in making sure your birth is exactly what you want it to be.

Let's schedule a time to chat!

A comprehensive guide to navigating unmedicated birth for first time moms