Say goodbye to the overwhelming world of Google searches and conflicting advice. Say hello to a community where confidence, unwavering support, and expert-led advice run the show

What you can expect in The New Moms Club

(spoiler alert: everything you need to feel confident AF about birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding)

Classes + Resource

Forget Google. Binge our Netflix-style resource library – your vault of expert-backed advice that you have access to 24/7 whenever you need it.

Mom Circles

Come hang out every month for our virtual mom circles! It's a chance to chat, share stories, and support each other through the ups and downs of motherhood

Latch & Learn Workshops

These sessions are your golden ticket to expert insightsLed by a powerhouse lineup of birth, baby, and postpartum pros. 

Community Chat

Your judgment-free zone 
where no topic is off-limits. We spill the tea on the good, the bad, and the ugly of parenthood. 

The New Moms Club Membership is the only place to get:

⚡Personalized doula calls each month...

You'll have access to expert-led Q&A's and workshops. These sessions are led by a powerhouse lineup of birth, baby, and motherhood pros.

All of the calls are recorded, because I know that as moms, we are busy. You can even submit questions ahead of time, so even if you can't join live-- you won't miss out!

⚡24/7 access to our Netflix-style resource library

Log in anytime - day or night - to browse the guides, checklists, courses, and resources covering everything from birth and breastfeeding to postpartum care and baby sleep. Dive into our curated collection whenever you need a little parenting pick-me-up or some expert advice.

It's like having a virtual support system right at your fingertips, ready to empower you through every step of the way.

⚡Access to our exclusive group chat

Dive into our judgment-free zone to spill it all - the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

Swap tips, tricks, and stories with moms who get it and who are right there in the trenches with you, and finally find the mom friends you've been searching for

It's like having a cozy corner of the internet where you can laugh, vent, and connect with like-minded mamas around the clock.

☝🏼 All of that for $1 a day

Alright, mama. Let's cut straight to the chase. You're probably wondering why you should trust me, right?


I'm not your typical "expert" who dishes out cookie-cutter advice. No, I'm right there in the trenches with you. With years of experience as a Doula and Lactation Counselor, I've witnessed it all.

But what makes me different? It's my no-nonsense approach to birth education and postpartum preparation. I don't sugarcoat the realities of motherhood... because let's face it, this journey is tough.

So why trust me? Because I've walked in your shoes. I've felt the overwhelm, the doubt, and the sheer exhaustion of pregnancy and postpartum.

That's why I created The New Moms Club—to ensure that no mom has to experience the anxiety and overwhelm that I did when I had my daughter.

So, take my hand, and let's navigate this journey of pregnancy and postpartum together.

You've got this. And I've got you.
Join Us in The Club


You're pregnant and want a birth class that makes you feel prepared and confident about birth

You're a new mom who is overwhelmed with motherhood and want some mom friends who get it

You need a reliable source of expert education so you don't get sucked into Google searches 

What other mamas have to say...

Here's what you really get:


👯‍♀️ Real Connections: Do you feel lost in the sea of advice? Say goodbye to the overwhelm. Our exclusive community chat is where you'll find your tribe—the ones who get it, the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Real connections with badass moms who've got your back.

📚 Expert-Backed Confidence: You’re tired of sifting through the rabbit hole of Google or doom-scrolling on social just to find the answer to your question (I see you Facebook mommy groups *cringe*). Our Netflix-style resource library is your go-to for expert-backed advice. Mastering motherhood starts with knowledge you can trust.

🎓 VIP Access: VIP access to birth, postpartum, and motherhood education that evolves with your journey. Consider yourself enrolled in the ultimate masterclass of motherhood.

🔥 Powerhouse Workshops: Live workshops that dive deep into the nitty-gritty of mom life. From birth planning to navigating night feeds to mom guilt and more - led by a powerhouse lineup of pros. 

🎤 Live Q&A: Your burning questions answered by yours truly, a certified pro in birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. Submit your questions for personalized feedback and guidance.

💪 No-BS Support: The Moms Club isn't just a club; it's the only place for unfiltered, no-BS support. We skip the sugar-coated nonsense and focus on what matters—making your journey through motherhood smoother, more confident, and a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

Choose your option and join today 👇🏼

Pay Monthly


cancel anytime


Annual Pass


best value!


Frequently Asked Questions…

The New Moms Club is more than a membership—it's your golden ticket to real connections with other moms, expert-backed wisdom, and the kind of support you've been craving. 

Motherhood takes a village. It's time you found yours.

Join the club.